Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More on expired medicines

Krista left this in her comment and I think it is good enough to share on the front page!

That is an extremely disturbing story.

I bought some more ibuprofen yesterday at Walgreens and the box says to store it at temperatures less than 40C. However I think most people do not read the fine print or else don't worry about it. Including CVS managers.

A lawyer I know (concealing the identity!) has told me stories about people prosecuted for selling pseudoephedrine beyond the amounts that are now legal, and has heard the excuse that if it was really bad for people, the government would not allow it to be sold. So maybe this is the common thinking. If Ibuprofen that has been in my glove compartment for over a year is not safe, the government would not let me buy it (and/or put it in my glove compartment). Or they would shut down all CVS stores with broken air conditioners.

One of the students that I am working with this summer told me that a friend of his took expired Adderall and had a heart attack. I did not inquire further to confirm or disprove this story but if anyone else has proven stories or urban myths to share, please do so. I am so interested in these stories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to know if the green ones or the pink ones taste better. Maybe the blue ones could be for dessert.

My main question would be, will the pills harm you after being exposed to the high heat?